Nabu Casa, known as the driving force behind the Home Assistant platform, recently joined forces with the Z-Wave Alliance. This step was initiated with the aim of having their own developed Z-Wave implementation receive the official seal of approval from the alliance.
In a recently published blog post, Nabu Casa announces that it has joined the Z-Wave Alliance. This alliance consists of a group of companies that jointly promote Z-Wave technology for smart homes. This collaboration is made possible by the financial support of Nabu Casa's subscribers, who use Nabu Casa's cloud platform.
Nabu Casa emphasizes that the principles of the Z-Wave Alliance fit seamlessly with the values of Home Assistant, which attaches great importance to the availability of open standards for smart homes. The introduction of this collaboration will not impact Home Assistant's support of other smart home protocols, such as Zigbee and Matter. Nabu Casa emphasizes the importance of freedom of choice for users to choose the most suitable standard for them.
For years, Home Assistant has offered support for Z-Wave, one of the leading standards for local smart home equipment besides Zigbee. As of 2021, Home Assistant has made the switch to the Z-Wave JS integration, developed by someone who is now employed by Nabu Casa.
Nabu Casa sees an opportunity in the collaboration with the Z-Wave Alliance to further develop Z-Wave JS and have it officially certified. Certification can demonstrate to other companies that Z-Wave JS represents a complete and accurate implementation of the Z-Wave standard. This should gain the confidence of other companies to integrate Z-Wave JS into their product offerings.
Source: Blog post Nabu Casa.
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